• Episode: Episode 3x03: Matchmaker
• Ep Summary: Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match! Find me a find, catch me a catch.
• Ep Details: You are the matchmaker. Put two tv characters who've never met before, on a blind date. Graphically or through writing.
• Graphics: You'll need 10 images total in your picspam (or multiple mini-spams) of the TV characters you're setting up on a blind date. You decide whether you're setting up one couple together, with 5 images of each person. Or multiple matches 1-3 images each. As long as you have 10 images in your entry, you're fine.
• Writing: 400 words (or more) about 2 tv characters on their blind date. You can also split the wording up to write multiple drabbles (about multiple dates).
• You can choose to complete the graphics or writing option OR do half & half, submitting 5 images & 200 words.
• TV Characters ONLY--they can be from the same tv show or different tv shows--so long as they have not met and do not know each other.
And a multiple image picspam--because I couldn't resist... • How to submit: Reply to your TEAM thread with a LINK to your entry or your entry. Large images/picspams, please use preview images when submitting to team threads. All entries are unscreened.
• Your ratings: 20 points (no partials)
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due December 18th @ 10pm EST -
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