Aug 27, 2007 12:52
I had a pretty quiet weekend, nursing my back which is feeling much better. Still creaks a bit getting up out of a chair but then it does that often anyway. My real annoyance for today is a call i got at 1:30 a.m. from a doctor wondering if i was the one that paged her. This has been happening lately, not constantly, but 3 or 4 times a month at least, various doctors calling and answering their pages. I asked the doctor last night where she was calling and she said she just gets a page that has a four digit number, i.e. 4444. She calls in and tells the person that she was paged from 4444 and they forward her call to that number. But they could be forwarding it with the full 7 digit number, i.e. 444-4444 and it's coming to my house instead of the hospital department where it was supposed to go. Or... whoever in a hospital paged the doctor and entered their own code is entering 4444 and should have entered 4445. Just example numbers there. If it's that situation, i won't be able to track down the problem but if the problem is originating at the paging service, i might be able to call them and speak to someone and tell them to make it stop! I didn't get back to sleep last night for over an hour because it was quite warm.
Latest news which isn't really any news at all from the Transit people, when asked how the negotiations are going, the response was "They're going". I take it from that to mean that they're still talking which is a good thing. I just don't know whether to buy my bus pass or not. If i get one and they strike, it's going to be wasted money. If i buy tickets and they don't strike, it's fine just for going to work but i use the bus outside of work as well so it'll end up being more expensive than a ticket and i can't use it for a tax deduction like i can the pass. I might get the pass and cross my fingers.
I have to report for jury selection on Tuesday and also on the Monday two weeks after that. If i get selected, and i'm car pooling because of a strike, that's going to cause trouble. Maybe i can get excused for that, i dunno. They do pay a daily stipend that would probably be enough to pay for a taxi but the traffic is going to be murder.
My cousin Linda and her husband are driving across Canada as we speak. It will be the first time she's been east from where she grew up and lives in British Columbia since she was a kid in the late 60s. I've stayed with her twice on visits out west and a couple other relatives have stopped by but she doesn't know most of her cousins and relatives here. It will be nice to see her again and Mom is having a bit of a family get together on the weekend. They're planning to be here by then, and then going to PEI after that. They're travelling in an RV with their little dog Zeke as well :)
jury duty,