(no subject)

Oct 04, 2015 17:09

The scoop on the leaky ceiling: I called the building manager and he was glad I let him know. They were just on the roof early in the week and fixed some spots but not on my side of the building apparently. He also wanted to check in the apartment above me just in case. He called me back a few hours later and said they had found a leak in the tap up there that she was unaware that she had and they think that's what's causing the water coming into my place. I pointed out the water only comes in on a heavy rain day but they seem pretty sure that's the main contributing factor. Never mind that, in the past, when they've fixed my end of the roof, the water stops coming in even though she's probably had that underlying leak for years. I may be proven wrong. But I don't think so. They're going to fix her up first then drywall over the crack in my apartment and then I'll wait for the next tropical storm and see if the fresh drywall gets damp. It might hold it off for awhile but i have no doubt it'll be back.

My mother's ereader went tits up. Screen started going black on her and a reset didn't work. She doesn't have the receipt anymore though the ereader is only just a year old or just under a year. She could have had it replaced but now she'd have to send it away and god knows how long that would take. I got thinking. as you do... I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade my Kobo touch to one with the light built in but I couldn't really justify it because (touch wood) mine's been working just fine. I suggested that I buy myself a new one and give her my old one. For however long it lasts her. It might give her another year or two before having to buy a new one. Even though she loves books, especially hard back ones, she does like the ereader, too, because it's a lot lighter especially to read in bed. It doesn't have the light in it but neither did the one she had. I bought the Kobo Glo HD and I've got it all set up again after I set my old one up for her. I hope it doesn't make a liar out of me and die on her! She then offered to give me money towards it as my Christmas present. Works for me!

Yesterday I did manage to do some clearing out of junk. If you walked in here now you probably wouldn't really see the difference though the coffee table does look a bit more tidy but trust me, there are spots and corners that are cleared out. I have a few areas that i want to dig down into and get rid of stuff, like the junk drawer in the dresser, the storage room and a couple of closets and the sideboard which has become a clutter magnet. One drawer is full of cords and cables and all kinds of crap that you accumulate over the years of buying electronic stuff. I think i've got 6 usb cables in there, all with the same end on them, and just got another new one with the new Kobo. Mind you, those are handy since most of the devices i have use the micro usb so I probably won't throw those out but theres' a lot of cables for hooking up tvs to things and things to tvs that I've never used and probably never will. I also have a stack of old Coronation Street magazines I might donate to the ping group for either a lending out thing or prizes. I might even take a serious look at my book shelves and weed out some books from there and I'm sure the kitchen cupboards can use a routing as well. Value Village will be the recipient of that stuff.

We went to Costco today. I got some photos printed for the wedding album and frame and we had a grand old time browsing. There are always things I think I'd like to try but then, faced with the ginormous sizes of the bags and packages, enough to feed the dirty dozen, I decide against it. Frozen potato wedges, a bag that looks the size of a 10 pound bag of potatoes. I do get some things, two nice large grainy loaves of bread and two packages of bagels, also two boxes of cereal. I got the 30 roll package of toilet paper because i've been told it's good stuff. Worth a try. I usually try to get the large packs of double rolls when it's on sale so this might not have been that great a bargain  but we'll see. I stocked up on printer ink. I must check what it costs in staples just for comparison. It's a three pack, two blacks and a colour cartridge so it's convenient but i have it in my mind that it isn't a lot cheaper. At least the photo reprints are cheap at 15 cents a go. I must put them in the album and now i have all the photos, I can populate the frame and put it up somewhere. Once i get some picture hangers.

then we went to the grocery store. I didn't need 18 containers of yogurt (Costco) but i did want some. And needed a few other things that end up costing me more than I expect because i wander and see things. I thought i was going to lose the will to live while waiting at the checkout, though. The person in front of me was messing around and then had an item that wouldn't scan. The lad tried the numbers under the bar code and that didn't work so he had to call someone and in the end he realized he hadn't put the numbers in correctly. My turn. It took ages. I think he entered the wrong code for nearly everything he had to weigh. Then at one point, the scale wouldn't work and he had to keep poking at that which of course wasn't his fault. More mis-keying in of the codes. Cripes. When the items scanned properly he was quick about it, it was just when he was trying to key in a code to weigh produce that it kept throwing him off.

Now I need a cup of tea. My milk had gone off and i couldn't have any this morning. We did have a quick lunch at Tim Horton's so i had some then but i need another one I think. It's calling me.


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