(no subject)

Oct 08, 2014 08:37

My friend and I agreed, $150 is not worth it for Bob Seger. The more I thought about it, the more I had decided and she called me last night. She hadn't seen my "i don't want to go after all" email but was on the same wave length about the price. She's just spent a lot of money renovating her kitchen and is working in another town, spending money on rent. If it isn't a bucket list band, that kind of ticket price isn't worth it to her either. Done and dusted.

Really enjoyed the first half of the tv season based on my favourite series of books, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. That is, the series is based on the first book of that name, the other books, different titles, will be turned into series later, I hope. They've committed to a second season at least. My only gripe is that they've decided to split the season. 8 episodes now and the last 8 starting in April next year which is just ridiculous! I love the series of books about Jamie and Claire Fraser and have reread them several times over the years and they've managed to cast the characters quite well. Let's face it, when you've had a romantic hero in your head for 20 years, nobody is going to match up what you picture but they've done a very good job and the more you see it, the more he becomes Jamie. They've taken very good care to do the adaptation well and the author has been consulted and is very pleased with the result. That says a lot. I've even got Graham watching it though he's tried reading the book and found it gets a bit too bogged down in descriptive detail of things like herb gardens and such. Even though it's basically a love story, it's got enough rough and tumble, swords and horses and battles and a good villain in it to keep his interest and even he was impressed with how romantic they managed the wedding and wedding night was.

I have the whole series in hard cover because I had bought the first one when it was first released and continued. Even in this day of ebooks, i still have that series in hard cover. I want to have the complete set. I do have it in ebook format as well and when the most recent book came out, I was reading the physical book at home and the ebook on the bus and at work! I'd just keep tabs on what page I was on and flipped forward to that chapter when switching formats. I couldn't find the first book for ages and i knew I must have lent it to someone, couldn't remember who. Turned out, my sister had it so it's back and safe on my shelf. I'm glad about that as it was a first edition. I thought I might have to replace it with a newer release. There was a 20th anniversary edition pubished a couple of years ago that i likely would have got but i don't have to now. If she comes here on a book tour, I think I'll try to remember to bring it for an autograph. I have a few of them signed but not the first few. At signings, i've seen people bring all their books, sometimes tatty old paperbacks that you can tell have been reread many times, a testiment to her writing, I think. It would be nice to have the first edition signed if i get the chance. I won't drag along all of the unsigned ones, that's asking too much, I feel, when there is a queue of people waiting. I've checked her website, though, and I know she did some tour dates in the summer but not here in Halifax and it doesn't look like there are any more book tour dates. I guess i might have to wait for the next book!
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