O winter coat, how to i loathe thee, let me count the ways.
Yes it's winter coat season again. I do like my coat, i just bought it last year but the problem with it is that once you're wearing it, there's no going back. It's winter. It's cold. It's horrible. And it lasts until April, sometimes even into May before you can start wearing a lighter coat. LightER. Not a nice light spring coat, but something a bit warm that you would wear in cool spring or fall weather. I try to hold off as long as i can wearing it but the early morning temps are below zero now. Have I mentioned how much I hate winter? Bleurgh.
Oh, and
my travelogue is up with links to loads of pics but there's a highlight album too, with far fewer!
It could be worse. I could be living in Winnipeg or Edmonton where it's been a whole lot colder and snowier for a month or more already. Count my blessings, my Nan always said. While waiting for the bus this morning, I was thinking of what coat to wear to Manchester in January, wondering if i could get away with my fall coat, with a sweater under it but I think i'll stick with the winter coat. It's not a heavy-weighted one so it won't drag me down and it squashes up to be stashed in the airplane overhead bin quite well. I also realized i don't have to take my smaller carry on case, i can take my rolling one that looks like a mini-suitcase so i'll have a bit more room to pack things or bring them home. The one i bring with me when i have my full size suitcase looks like the classic carry on with a handle but it does actually have wheels and a pull up handle as well. It's smaller and it is a bit tight when packing for more than a few days. When i take it alone when G. and I go away, i often have to get him to put a couple of things in his duffel bag. With the larger rolling carry on, i can pack for more than a week easily so that's sorted. The only thing is it isn't as convenient to stash the laptop but i do have a padded thingy for that so i can put that in the front pocket going through the security check and put it back inside where there's a bit more protection for it later.
So yes, going over again in January and we'll have (if the weather Gods comply) four days together :)
It looks like our local Corrie non profit group will be holding the Corrie actor event in March after a couple of years' break. We (I say "we" though i'm not on the committee anymore but i'm still involved with the group) work in conjunction with a Toronto promoter who brings over the actor for his British Isles Exhibition and he's not had it for a couple of years. I guess he's regrouping and needed a break. Looks like he's doing it again next year and we're just waiting for the contract to be signed before we find out who is coming. I really look forward to those evenings!