Transit strike still ongoing. They were at talks all day yesterday and all night, meeting, then talking amongst themselves etc. wash, lather, repeat. By this morning, the union walked away and said management doesn't seem interested in real bargaining at all and it now sounds like the union is also pushing for more money when they'd already said it wasn't about that.
So the strike continues. I guess it will depend on public pressure as to which side blinks first.
Because i've been working long days to match those of my cousin who's driving me to work, i'm having Fridays off. I'm lucky they're being flexible enough to allow it. Weather permitting, I am going to renew my driving license tomorrow and pick up a few groceries. Mom and i will go together, maybe check out a few more shops besides.
2012 books:
18 Witches under Way - Debora Geary
The second in the spinoff trilogy "Witches on Parole". This series is about two women who are sent to a mentor, one voluntarily because she needs a change and the other was sent as a "parole", she is a young woman who has been in and out of trouble. Both are witches and the community of the Witch Central that Debora writes about are also part of these books. These books are such a delight, with wonderful, funny and warm characters. In this series, the two women have to find ways to change their lives and shake off the chains that have dragged them down.
Full review here. I really love Ms. Geary's books and every one has been as good as the last.