It's never really been a bad-luck day for me, historically, not that i really am superstitious in that way. (Other ways, yes!) Remember this photo, the one i sold last year? The cheque arrived today! :)))) 100 lovely dollars. I think i'll probably have to take it to the bank to cash it/deposit it, mainly because I'm pretty sure it's in US dollars
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I found it slightly frustrating (especially no Tyrion in book 4) but still loved the books. It is at the point where I find it very hard to hold everything in my head. So, I don't find too much sympathy with the Dornish characters who only came in by book 4 because I'm more impatient to know about the characters I care for more.
I do *like* his habit of killing of major characters though. The knowledge that he will actually kill of people that you thought were "the hero" means that if there's a cliff hanger it's a "real" cliff-hanger. Often when an author leaves a scene with some character unconscious after being attacked by a sword-weilding horde then you know that character is totally safe (although might feel rough when he wakes up).
The overlapping in time thing was ok, i didn't mind that so much and you're certainly right about cumbersome! I'm glad i didn't have to wait 6 years though, to get to the next installment. I just hope it won't be 6 year to the next one although i won't mind a break of a year or two or three!
I like the Arya plotline moving from the very old fantasty trope of "oh, she's a feisty little girl who loves fighting like the boys" and seemingly taking it far too far (again tryin to avoid spoilers for other readers).
Presumably Sam will reading his books for a while (again avoiding spoilers).
Perhaps you are right about Bran -- it had not occurred to me...
Sansa is clearly being manoevered by LittleFinger who is so astute but I can't see where that will end.
My favourite characters are Jaime, Brienne, Tyrion and Littlefinger -- I've not really any idea how it will work out for any of them.
I think with me, i'm not used to reading big sweeping complex epics like this and i don't always "get" all the subtexts like the political maneouvering.
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