(no subject)

Aug 13, 2011 09:50

Further to my post yesterday about what to charge for a photo, I did a bit of googling and the project they're doing a book for seems to be a company that has a program to help children who are struggling to learn to read. IT's called a Leveled Literacy Intervention Program. I found a website and they publish little books. I figure this is what this book about museums will be like so i won't feel like i'm asking too much to ask for a copy of the book at least.

I think I'll ask $100 and see where it goes from there. Thanks for your input, peeps!

ETA I emailed and asked for 100 plus the book and they got back to me quickly and said they would pay that!! W00t! I've probably underpriced myself but I'm not that bothered. At least if it happens again, i know i can get $100 if they're offering to pay.  I don't know yet when they're going to publish or when they'll need the photo but they're sending a release letter for me to sign.


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