Sign-ups are open for the entire duration of this
Round 02 Signups Info
• You must be a member and have signed up for this round to participate.
• All icons must be newly made for this round. Do not use previously made icons.
• Please Make sure all images are PG rated. Meaning no nudity, showing gender bits, etc.
• If you would like a participation banner, please let me know when you post your entry to the community.
• Please do not post your icon set to Photobucket, use other free image hosting sites at this time while that site is going through what it is doing. Chances are your images will not show at all if you do.
• Post only once your set is completed. Do not submit your icons to this post, instead make a post of your own using the guidelines below.
• Your icons must fit LJ standards and be made specifically for this round. 100x100px and either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.
• Provide three (3) teaser icons and hide the rest behind an lj-cut, or provide a link to your icons should you post them elsewhere. If posting to an outside source your icons should be made public for the duration of the round.
• Please, if you participate try to at least check out the other participants entries. It's another reason why we have an unlocked rule. You would want people to check out yours and vice versa, it's only fair.
• Fan art is not accepted; use caution when choosing images. DO NOT USE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS, unless the theme calls for it. You may however use Episode Still and Promos. Animation is NOT allowed, unless otherwise stated for a certain prompt.
• Use the table provided or use your own if you'd like, but keep the themes in order.
• Posting is moderated; once your post is submitted please await approval. If your post hasn’t been approved within 48 hours please contact me or comment to this post.
• Please add the following subject, just add your username. FORMAT AS: Round 02 - Your Claim - Your Username.
Your sets are due June 11th, 2018 by 11:59 PM in your time zone.
As always thank you for the suggestions, I used some for this round.
Complete 10 themes, 5 category, and 5 artist choice icons.
Individual themes:
The Beginning
Polka Dots
Fake Background
Iconic Scene
The Beginning - Take us back to the beginning, when your claim was first introduced. If it is blank, you can go to when it first shows people or you can show landscape. If you are unsure, just ask.
Scarlettm00n •
Geektasticons •
Somanyreasons Stars - Your icon needs to have stars in it somehow. It can be in the screencap itself, textures or brushes. Animation is allowed for this prompt, but not mandatory.
Naginis •
Setenpet •
Tiptoetwirl Blending - You must blend at least 2 different images together from your claim.
Selamort •
Afeastforme •
Afeastforme Pink - The main color of your icon has to be pink- any shade, as light or as dark.
Amazingchi •
Halliwell •
Twinstrikeish Faceless - Your icon has to have a character from your claim where their face isn't visible. You can achieve this through cropping or have your claim not facing the camera.
Afastmachine •
Xafirah •
Alexia-drake Numbers - You must incorporate some sort of number(s) in your icon. You can do it with textures, clock numbers, brushes or any way you want. Be creative!
Halliwell •
Magic-paradise •
Halliwell Polka Dots - Incorperate polka dots somewhere into your icon.
Halliwell •
Mysterious-arts •
Halliwell Vibrant - Icon your claim in vibrant coloring.
Wr1t3rgrl4j3sus •
Roseemrys •
Psychokittymiss Fake Background - You should put in your icon a fake background with your claim.
Bornaclosedbook •
Halliwell •
shinysylver Iconic Scene - Just iconize the most iconic scene of your claim!
Halliwell •
Harlequinss_s •
Halliwell Here is a good inspiration page for this prompt, it can contain to TV Shows and episodes as well:
Iconic Scene Inspiration Category Set: Favorite Characters - For your category set you must icon 5 favorite characters from your claim.
Halliwell •
Halliwell •
Halliwell •
Halliwell •
Halliwell Artist’s Choice: Your choice so long as it abides by the rules!
The Beginning |
Stars |
Blending |
Pink |
Faceless |
Numbers |
Polka Dots |
Vibrant |
Fake Background |
Iconic Scene |
5 CATEGORY (Favorite Characters)
If there are any mistakes anywhere, please do not hesitate to let me know. Enjoy the round, can't wait to see everyone's sets. :)