(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 01:06

Sadly, I don't have much to say about the Emmys. This was (probably) the first time since I started watching in 1996 that I didn't camp out all night in front of the TV in Emmy glee. I was Milo-viewing and didn't get home until 9:30, but I've caught up on most of what I missed.

Aww, Felicity Huffman! "Klunk." I wasn't expecting her to win, but I love that she did. She and William H. Macy are so adorable. On her way up to the stage, I said to my mom, "She probably should have won that Emmy seven or eight years ago for Sports Night." And then she gave a Sports Night shoutout in her speech! The SorkinHo in me loved that.

Lost won. Desperate Housewives did not. Both of these things make me happy.

Everybody Loves Raymond is finally out of Emmy orbit. Woo-hoo!

CBS loves them some self-promotion.

Emmy Idol? Worst. Idea. Ever. I skipped over most of them, but Kristen Bell's was actually cute.

Blue Man Group. I rolled my eyes when they were introduced, but that turned out to be a cool way to deal with a boring category.

*huggles Jon Stewart* Just because.

The news anchor thing was pretty sweet.

Next year, maybe I'll care about some of the nominees and can revert to my All-Day Emmy Extravaganza of years past. And I can yell at my TV are get far too excited about every little detail. It'll be a good time.
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