Veronica had a complicated life, and a crowd she was comfortable with but forced herself to move on from. It's hard to distance yourself and be labeled as an outcast, a loner, but she didn't care what others thought. She did it for the sake of getting to the bottom of things. Her relationship with her dad was enough for her, and in general her relationships mean the world to her and she'll do anything to protect the people she loves. She's witty, quirky, fun-loving, and on a completely superficial note, absolutely beautiful.
20-something caps isn't enough to do her life-ruining self justice. This is only her in season one because to do all the seasons would be one massive picspam that I had no time to do whatsoever.
P.S. Not sure what I was trying to do with the coloring. Set the mood for each "set" of images? Who knows.