Belated Post, sorry
So graduation was awesome. I really enjoyed he ceremonies and all of the music. The music was super awesome and I think that stole the show. We all walked with no problems and that was exciting. Then Roya delivered the good-bye speech and I am glad that she was the one to speak. Then off to the grad party. I quick changed into casual adam and went on my merry way. The party's big secret was that we wnt to Gameworks. That place is so much better when it is just the class of 04 there. I got wrapped up into this undersea shooter and it was great. I kicked Jervey's ass in DDR though Katie was the best beginner that I saw. (She in fact beat me). Then we hiked it over to the theater next door where there was a bunch of cool stuff to do. I ended up playing poker, then watching the Austin Powers movie then the Hypnotist. He was amazing. David was the most under and proved to the rest of us that someone was really under. Bryon admitted that he had some control of what he was doing.
By 6 am I was so ready to see that I missed most of the day when I emerged at 3 pm. Then shopping and shopping. Getting ready for the family to invade. Sleep and then the day of the invasion. It was nice when everyone came over to celebrate me and alittle father's day stuff. (My grandfather died alittle after last father's day and so this was the first one with out him) My other Grandfather was slated to show up but at the last minute got a job taping something and so he had to go to that. Instead my grandmother came which was good because it gave a chance for my two grandmothers to catch up and spend some time together. Good party, most of my important people were all gathered together.
- A UW cap and sweatshirt
- Gift Certificates: JCPenneys, Best Buy, UW Book Store
- A laptop computer (the one I am typing on right now) !!!!
- A wireless mouse
- A printer, scanner, copier
I really like all of my gifts and am really happy and thankful for my new possessions.
Now I am just looking for the perfect job, or the one I can get now verses later that doesn't suck. I decided that I will channel my political activism into other channels like converting Kim. Well this is Adam over and out