damon & elena holiday exchange 2014 - prompts masterlist

Dec 13, 2014 00:44

This list will be updated in January with links to the stories.

To turn in your story, please comment here and
reply to the author here so they know you wrote for them. ;)

BadBoysAreBest/NerdDamon: Elena never gets caught by Caroline doing the witchy herbs to see Damon. She continues to use them until the holiday season. Elena spends Christmas alone without any of her friends. She waits for Damon to appear. When he does, his touching feels real. Is it an allusion? Is it real? Is it a Christmas miracle? Make this as fluffy or as dark as you want. Bonus points if there is slow dancing and lamp smashing involved.
A Christmas Miracle by This Is My Escape
One Hundred and Eighty Days by Danni1989
Chocolate And Pearls by bibi 13ca
dannielle1989: Okay here is mine. Since I'm kinda angsted out at the moment I'm looking for something fun, and fluffy. Damon takes Elena away for Christmas (it doesn't matter where, ideally somewhere cold and snowy since it is Xmas.) It doesn't matter what goes down wherever they are but I would love to see a fireplace, gift opening, maybe even a few Christmas carols. There needs to be mistletoe. Smut or no smut either way even though I'm partial to some smut. Also it's up to you if the rest of the gang is with them or not.
Kidnapped For Christmas by AlwaysElisabethian
scarlett2112: Elena is paralyzed from the waist down as a result of a drunk driver or some kind of accident just before the holidays. She doesn't like Christmas because on top of everything else, her old boyfriend walked out on her because he couldn't deal with her injury. She's angry and depressed because she thinks no one will ever love her given her paralysis. In walks Damon who makes it his mission to prove to her that life is beautiful and that Christmas can still be a magical time of the year. (He can be her friend, secretly in love with her or he can be a stranger who's completely captivated with this Elena. (Extra points for a beautiful love scene.)
Jump Start To Feeling by This Is My Escape
Glow In The Dark by Rosesareforever
thisis_myescape: Elena's found a way to restore her memories, has gotten everything she's lost back, and decides she'll reveal this to Damon on Christmas Eve. Fluffy or not so fluffy ending welcome. Bonus points if you can make it angsty. Bonus points if you can include a classy love scene.
Remeber Me by Danni1989
A Christmas to Remember by Jazybunzy0
You Better Not Pout by Nicolebaka
rosesforever94: I wasn't planning on joining the Holiday Exchange this year, but after some thought I decided to give it a try. I haven't watched TVD in 2 years, nor have I read any fanfics, but I just couldn't break this tradition. I've always participated and I will again this year - even when I actually don't have the time! So here we go... AH/AU. It’s New Year’s eve. Caroline throws a surprise party for her girlfriends and invites two insanely hot male strippers (Damon and ?? You decide!) What happens is up to you! I want something fun, a one-shot that makes me smile and maybe even blush. Extra points for: - A hot smut scene - Drunk Elena - Lap Dance - Lots of sexual tension
Something Sexy by Danni1988
txvdfan: I'll admit I've recently gotten a bit burned in the fanfic world, but the Christmas exchange is tradition. So…in the spirit of all things peppermint mocha, eggnog, and mistletoe, I'm in. Here's my prompt. It's kind of different for me (and rather open-ended). I hope that makes it easier rather than more difficult. It's the Christmas season, and it's the first year that Elena has spent away from Mystic Falls. She has a job in New York City that's keeping her from going home for Christmas. In a chance encounter, she runs into Damon in a corner coffee shop (it's up to you if they've met or not…personally, I'm thinking not, but it's your story). Before he can get her name or where she works/lives, she ducks out into the street, but Damon had enough time to see that Elena was miserable. Damon sets out to do two things - find Elena again, and show her how magical Christmas in NYC can be. Rating's up to you, but I want SNOW, a trip to Rockefeller center, and the Macy's Christmas windows in the story. Thanks! Hope y'all have fun with this one.
Magical by Danni1989
morvamp: AU/AH When a letter addressed to Santa accidentally arrives in Elena's apartment mailbox, she can't resist the temptation to read it. When she realizes it's from the young boy next door with a recently (a year or so ago) widowed father, she has even more reason to respect their privacy and stop. However, she's never been great with boundaries so she continues on. And yeah, maybe her interest has something to do with the impeccably attractive father of said boy with the devastatingly sad eyes, but that's beside the point. When she gets to the line: 'All I want this year is for daddy to be happy again' she doesn't stop herself, the way she has in the past, from knocking on their door. Smut or no smut is okay with me.
Dear Santa by Danni1989
Widowed at Christmas by Jazybunzy0
Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus by Scarlett2112
jaybunzy0: I've always loved the Christmas movie "Three Days" My prompt is how would Damon or Elena handle if that storyline happened to them. Either Damon or Elena (your choice) loses the other on Christmas Eve. Completely distraught because leading up to the others death they were fighting... bad. Bonnie/Jo (basically a witch or angel) gives Damon or Elena the power to relive the last three days of the other's life to make it right. Aka making it the most amazing Christmastime ever. Bonnie/Jo warn them however that no matter what they can not change fate. On Christmas Eve they will lose them all over again. But we know Damon and Elena. They'll do anything to keep each other alive. How do they relive their three days? How do they prevent the other from dying? What happens Christmas Day? Praying for angst and love and all things Christmas. It can have a happy or depressingly sad ending. Whatever you want. Happy writing and Merry Christmas!
Three Days With You by Morvamp
dutchess_sandra: Will be a busy month, and I really had planned to just read and not write, but after participating every year and just coming up with a fun (I hope) prompt I decided to go for it again. Prompt: This is as Christmas-y as they come. I would like an AU were Damon and Elena are both actual elves at Santa's workshop. They are at odds because Damon is all about quality (wrapping the gifts the neatest and prettiest) and Elena is all about quantity (sloppily wrapped gifts to get as many out as possible). Due to their constant bickering a large order for a children's hospital gets overlooked and they have to work together to still get it there on time. During their race to make it before Christmas morning you can have them, for example, "borrow" one of the Reindeer, get caught in a snowstorm, use the Coca Cola truck, etc. I'd be happy if there is a lot of (fun) tension and perhaps some steamy kisses.
Saving Christmas by Danni1989
bibi_ca: So, Damon and Elena somehow get transported to where Bonnie is. All three of them are celebrating Christmas together. Mistletoe happens and Bonnie encourages Elena to kiss Damon. When she does, her memories come back when they kiss (yay). Bonus points for Elena observing Bonnie and Damon bickering in the kitchen and for the use of the phrase: "If I knew kissing you will bring back your memories, I would have force-kissed you a long time ago".

Under The Mistletoe by Danni1989
alittledanger: AU/AH I would really just like a really hot and heavy, full of angst fic of Damon and Elena. The two of them estranged, maybe with different people... only to be stuck in the same house after Caroline and Stefan invite the gang over for Christmas. They were okay for a bit but then the two of them start fighting which leads one to storm out and the other to follow. somehow ending up in a cabin nearby... only something happens which leaves the two stuck there on christmas eve night. Blizzard so no one can get to them and they have to wait it out. -No Vampires -Smut -Bonus Points If you make me cry, tug at my emotions and make me love you and hate you at the same time... I will give you all hugs, cuddles, and....I'll make you a design for one of your fics? (Graphic Designer ova her ;p) -Caroline and Stefan Fluff somehow included -Stefan is a lawyer, Caroline a designer, Elena is a writer while Damon is the Ceo of the publishing company she works for... and he also happens to be the ex-husband.
A Christmas Miracle by Danni1989
Faults and Blizzards by This Is My Escape
alwayselisabeth: AU/AH, Damon and Elena works the same place - I'm thinking a desk job, something professional that requires suits and skirts. They are competing against each other for a job, hence their relationship strained and cold. On Christmas eve, both of them are trapped in the building, because they're working on the big project. Damon is the first one to break and ask why she isn't going home. You decide where it goes from there. It can be fluffy, smutty, it's entirely up to you! Bonus points: -Damon making paper airplanes -Elena kissing Damon first -A janitor busting them.
Fire And Ice by Rosesareforever
After Hours by Danni1989
nicole_baka: AU/AH: 3 years ago Elena Gilbert made the biggest mistake of her life by walking out on her one true love Damon Salvatore. Damon, heartbroken, moves away to a little town (it could be Mystic Falls or whatever you choose) and buries himself in alcohol and work. Now, with the aprroach of the 4th Christmas since that day, Elena just couldn't stay away any longer and is determined to prove Damon that she never stopped loving him and tells him what really made her leave. -bonus point if the reason behind her leaving Damon is somehow his father (who sees his son as a disappointment) Giuseppe Salvatore (threat or something else) -bonus point for insecure Damon -bonus point for both fluff and angst.
I'll Be Home For Christmas by txvdfan
LongLiveDE: It's the Christmas holiday and while Damon is planning the perfect Christmas proposal for Elena, Elena is busy trying to think of the perfect gift to give Damon after his miraculous return to her. At the end, who will end up surprising who more? Damon with his proposal of marriage? Or Elena with her mystery gift?

The Christmas Proposal by Danni1989
Surprises by SuckerforDelena
suckerfordelena: My prompt is that (AU fic) Damon had just gotten out of 'the Augustine' and he meets Elena (it's your wish; you can make her a human or a vampire.). Elena see the pain in his eyes and is head set to make it go away. Extra point: - A Denzo flashbacks. - Elena annoying (she was just trying to make him laugh) Damon -Damon giving Elena a sincere apology -Damon telling her about his time in Augustine.

You Are The Night Time Fear by NerdDamon

de holiday 2014, # elena gilbert, # damon salvatore

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