The Television Diary Project is a research project being conducted as the dissertation component of a MSc in Media and Communications. The aim of the project is to assess how the modern audience is watching television.
That is, do we watch television according to the TV schedule? Or are we now living in an On-Demand age where satellite and digital television providers facilities for catch-up television mean we now watch in a very different way?
Thus the Television Diary Project is looking at two things:
- HOW do we watch TV?
- The Social Aspect of viewing - i.e. do we now watch more television alone?
Participant Requirements
You need to (ideally) be a UK resident, and have access to a television set as well as an internet enabled computer within your home.
What Will You Need To Do?
Keep a note of how many hours of television you watch a day in a table provided by the researcher. The table will be divided into columns that will look something like this:
What Else Do I Need To Know?
- The research has been approved by the Brunel University Ethics Commitee.
- All data will be kept anonymous.
- You will be asked if you'd be willing to participate in an additional follow up interview - THIS IS OPTIONAL
- You can withdraw yourself and your data at anytime.
- There are time constraints on the research, so if you do volunteer please bear this in mind when you choose how soon you begin filling out the diary.
How Do I Volunteer to Participate?
- email televisiondiaryproject@gmail.com
- or CLICK HERE and leave a comment with your email address (all comments will be screened)