In All the Old Familiar Places

Nov 08, 2012 07:10

Title: In All the Old Familiar Places
Recipient: midnightblack07
Prompt: Damon/Katherine: and so we meet again...
Author: dante_kent
Characters/Pairings: Damon/Katherine
Word Count: 4,400
Ratings/Warnings: R for language and typically euphemistic references to sex
Spoilers: nothing concrete past season 3
Summary: He runs into her in some tiny town in Kansas. 
Author's notes: Written for the tvdfic_exchange. This is the first time I've ever participated in anything like this, and naturally the one time I have any sort of deadline or expectation I write a fic over twice as long as anything I've ever written before. This thing got away from me like whoa, but I loved the prompt the second I saw it, so I suppose it was bound to get beyond me from the start (since I am so well known for my restraint...). Thanks for the delightful prompt, Myra, and thank you to the lovely mods for organizing this thing so well! 
Extra Note: I'm so, so sorry about the lateness! I feel wretched about it, and I owe you all massive favors and presents and gifs of shirtless Damon. I will do my penance however you see fit. *sheepish*

He runs into her in sone tiny town in Kansas. 
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