Posting details

Oct 30, 2012 19:03

Posting date is near, so here we come with some mod announcements! :)

Posting will start on November 5th, just like planned. However, since we have as many as 18 stories coming, we thought it would be better to not have everyone post at the same time. We'll be having 6 days (Nov 5th-Nov 11th), 3 people per day. Comment to this post to tell us when you'd like to post (it's first come, first served). Don't worry if you're not quite finished yet! Simply claim a later posting date, and you should be good :).

We'd like to hear from everyone by midnight October 31st Pacific Daylight Time (check what time is that for you). Just drop us a line saying when you'd like to post and where you are with the story (done/nearly done/needs beta-reading/OMG need more time/etc). Also, let us know if you have any questions!

Without further ado:

November 5th:
1. badboy-fangirl
2. thesicko1012
3. misspopuri

November 6th:
1. pyrrhical
2. amygerrard
3. dante-kent

November 7th:
1. upupa-epops
2. kwritten
3. hisui-ryoshi

November 8th:
1. elenarain
2. kwritten
3. shipperjunkie

November 9th:
1. ellensmithee
2. plural-entity
3. lynzie914

November 10th:
1. aerintine
2. fallinangelz21
3. midnightblack07


We got many amazing prompts this round, and it would be a pity to waste the ones that don't get filled now. Which is why we decided to have a Free-For-All! On November 10th, we'll post a list of all the prompts requested for the exchange, and we'll invite everyone to fill whatever strikes their fancy! Free-For-All will close on December 31st, so you have plenty of time to be someone's surprise Fairy Godmother once again :).

(If you don't want your prompts to be made public, let us know, and we'll cross them off the list.)


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