Dear Fairy Godmother

Sep 08, 2012 09:13

If you wish to write a letter to your Fairy Godmother, this is where you can do it!

The purpose of the letter is to tell your writer about your general likes and dislikes. Or, you know, just thank them for being so awesome and agreeing to write a story for you! If you want to see how letters work, you can check out other exchange challenges, for example Yuletide.

You can post your letter whenever you want, but we advise you to do it as soon as possible. If you're too late, your Fairy Godmother can be done with your story before you post it! It goes without saying that Fairy Godmothers should NOT reply to letters. Remember, your identity is a secret for now!

Letters are not obligatory, so if you want to skip this stage, you're welcome to do so :).

!letters, !mod

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