Jul 02, 2012 21:48

My entry will include both icons and my thoughts about them :)

Icon 1:
I don't remember if this is Bonnie's house or someone else's but whoever lives in it, seems to be a clean person...there also seems to be a glass globe with ballerina shoes? in it.

Icon 2:
I focused on Damon's book and parchments but the chessboard I didn't portray really interested me. Do the brothers often play?

Icon 3:
I love the picture you chose. It shows what Caroline's world is. We see a teddy bear (love and tenderness) and her cheerleading trophies, a bond to her human life she cherishes.

Icon 4:
I love the props here, even if they can't clearly be seen in my icon.

Icon 5:
Caroline's handling what seems to be an alcohol bottle so..

creator: bangel_4e, medium: icons

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