Title: Talk To Me: A Be My Escape Sequel
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Of course I own nothing...sheesh. The format for this story also should be credited to my hero- Meg Cabot from her Boy Series. (*If you haven't read them- do. They are completely amazing...)
A/N: Thank-you to all who are reading, be-friended me, and wow, I hope this story lives up! Thanks again! Read and review!
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net FROM:
marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: What did you do?
So, how exactly did you manage to get out of 10 accounts of tardiness? Just wondering.
marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net FROM:
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Re: What did you do?
I didn’t do anything. I just explained the reasons I was late. You underestimate my power of reasoning. Seriously.
Love back,
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net FROM:
marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Yeah right…
I know your power of reasoning. What exactly do you have on the N.H.S. Administration?
Love again,
marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net FROM:
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Nothing, nothing…I swear.
Okay, maybe not nothing but nothing illegal. I just promised them not to ever come to School Board Meetings or the like, again. I think it was a fair deal. I drop the issue and so do they. You were the one who got the Principal fired for having an affair with a student when he worked there.
The Daughter Who Doesn’t Forget,
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net FROM:
marshmallow_2007@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Seriously…
No more hanging out with Weevil or Wallace. I’d rather not have you continue to throw everything your father and I did back in our faces. We were young. And we were very very stupid.
Leave it alone, January.
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net FROM:
badassfilms_lecholls@universalfilms.com SUBJECT: I am so proud of you!
Talking your way out of unexcused absences…I don’t think a father could be prouder! Is there anything my baby girl can’t do?!?
Love and lunch?
PS-Your mom is proud of you too. She smiled even.
badassfilms_lecholls@universalfilms.com FROM:
snarkreprtrgirl_1609@neptune.ca.net SUBJECT: Lunch, later.
Wish I could do lunch but I promised Wallace I wouldn’t skip lunch anymore. Something about not leaving campus, rules everyone has to follow, and yadda yadda… But thanks for the offer.
PS- Please don’t forget that I am coming to stay with you both all next week while Mom and Dad and the twins go to visit Aunt Lilly and Uncle Marshall back in NYC.
PPS- I read the copy draft of Grafter. You can do better.