Title: North Pole Magic
angryzenFandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Greta/Klaus
Timeline: A year after Greta ran off with Klaus and two years before the sacrifice in season 2.
Summary: Greta experiences her first Winter Solstice away from her family and with Klaus.
This fic is a gift fo
razycrandomgirl. Happy Valentine's Day, Cana! I present you with a super late Christmas gift. Lol.
A/N: Klaus mentions the death of his parents. I'm mostly going with the info we had about Klaus circa season 2, AKA when Greta was alive, the one where Klaus killed his family. Only here, he only killed his parents
Greta had never really paid attention to Christmas, to the family of it all. She just always had her family.
“Mistletoe. For protection and prosperity.”
Her room had been quiet all day. She had lit a white candle the night before, on the twentieth. Noise, any noise that came from outside of her room, was negativity, so she lit a white candle and casted a spell to repel all of it. As long as the candle burned, silence reigned.
“Bough of fir. For protection.”
She walked barefoot around the circle she’d created. A green candle burned at it’s center. She had lit it eight days ago, and she’d meditated in front of it, same as she’d done with her father and Luka for as long as she could remember. Every night, she sat with it and closed her eyes and envisioned complete darkness. The Winter Solstice provided the shortest day and the longest night of the year, and she knew there was a place in the world where it was dark all day long, where, on the Winter Solstice, the sun never came up
Every night, she envisioned that place, what it would look like on the day, on this night.
And when she’d closed her eyes and meditated on this night, she had been there. The North pole. Only it wasn’t total darkness. She’d been surrounded by a million stars.