The Morning After

Sep 12, 2012 01:16

Title: The Morning After
Author: angryzen
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Timeline: Fall of sophomore year
A/N: This fic is a short offshoot of a Bonnie/Caroline fic I'm working on updating (These Memories). If you put on shipper glasses, you'll see Bonnie/Caro nuggets from both sides.

Summary: Clubbing with fake IDs, drinking, and driving while high got Tyler, Caroline, Matt, Elena, and Bonnie pulled over by a Mystic Falls deputy. The sophomores gather in the cafeteria the morning after to discuss the night's damages.

“Why is time moving so slow?” Elena asked, as she picked excess cheese off her pizza.

“I don’t know,” Bonnie answered, staring at her food and yet distracted. She wished she had an appetite. All she’d eaten before leaving her house this morning was a banana. The day was almost half over, and there was still a nervous knot in her stomach, keeping even the thought of food out.

They’d opted to sit in the cafeteria because Caroline’s eyes couldn’t handle the sunlight just yet.

“I feel like my breath still smells,” Caroline said.

“Every time I look at you, you’re popping a mint,” Bonnie said. The head cheerleader hopeful looked fabulous, actually. No one would know she’d been trashed last night, unlike Bonnie herself who went in and out of a daze and Elena who was sluggish.

character: elena gilbert, !fic, !tvd show, character: bonnie bennett, character: caroline forbes, !single shot fic

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