Title: Drained
Rating: PG-13/T
inmh Genre: General/Drama
Summary: Continuation of the scene with Mikael and Katherine in the tomb at the end of ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’.
Warning: SPOILERS, little bit of language... If you saw the episode you know there's a bit of a warning for what happens in the tomb (Violence-related).
Characters/Pairings: Katherine, Mikael. No pairings.
Spoilers: 3.06 Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries. It belongs to L.J. Smith/The CW.
Link Title: Mistakes Were Made
Rating: PG-13/T
inmh Genre: General/Family/Drama
Summary: Written prior to the mid-season finale, and so very slightly AU. Done for a prompt on
tvd_hiatus: “Mikael, Rebekah- She's still Daddy's little girl.”
Warning: Spoilers, maybe some language and mentions of violence.
Characters/Pairings: Rebekah, Mikael. No Pairings.
Spoilers: 3.08 Ordinary People, allusions towards the way things went in 3.09 "Homecoming".
Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries. It belongs to L.J. Smith/The CW.