The Sheriffs of Mystic Falls

Oct 20, 2011 00:01

Title: The Sheriffs of Mystic Falls
Author: angryzen
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Timeline: Season 3 AU, takes place after the premier, might involve some stories as they played out on screen.
Summary: Liz Forbes and Bonnie Bennett investigate a new breed of monsters, ghosts, and the ever-present Klaus problem.
A/N: I'm aiming for this to be a Gen fic. I've never written one of those before. Trust there will be lots of Bonnie. Liz will also be at the forefront since this idea started with her. There will be Jeremy. Aaaand everybody else is fair game. But I will try.

It would be very helpful to read what I've decided is the Prologue of this story.

Chapter 1: Living The Stories

Liz bid goodnight to one of her coworkers and waited for the other woman to get in her car before she headed for her own. She took in the silence of the street illuminated by the light poles and closed her eyes when a warm gust of wind started blowing. Keeping her eyes closed and imagining the cool bed that was waiting for her at home, she continued the familiar path to her car and enjoyed the little uncertainty that came with taking away the sense she relied on the most.

She heard the fast shuffling just before she was tackled sideways to the ground. She screamed in pain when her shoulder hit the asphalt, but she had to shove the spreading pain to the back of her mind because whoever was above her was growling and...drooling? She did not want to think about the liquid that was landing on her cheek instead using all of her might to shove the person off of her. They resisted at first but then gave way. And when she was able to see the man, she realized it wasn’t that she had managed to shove him away, it was that he’d chosen to back off.

His eyes were veined and she didn’t need much light to know the dark, sloppy smear on his mouth was blood. Vampire. Her adrenaline pumping, she reached for her gun, the one she carried just for them. “Stay where you are!” she tried, and it growled at her, hunched and ready to attack. She fired off three rounds of wooden bullets at his heart, backing up as he advanced. She was wounding him, but he was recovering too quickly. She was shocked at this; she knew vampires were supposed to go down when hit with a wooden bullet to the heart. How old was this one?


season 3, !fic, !tvd show, character: liz forbes

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