The Perfect Ending

Sep 10, 2011 15:26

Title: The Perfect Ending
Author: angryzen
Character: Elena Gilbert
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Timeline: During and after The Sun Also Rises.
Summary: Left to choose for herself for the first time in a long time, Elena struggles as a transitioning vampire.

Elena didn't know what switching off one's feelings felt like or how one went about doing it (Stefan had told her that it's something one just knows how to do), but that's all she thought about as Klaus sank his fangs into her and drank to his heart's content.

She stood immobile in his clutches. The orange glow of the flames provided a beautiful frame as her life flashed before her eyes. She couldn't hear anything, not even his noisy swallowing. So often in the past year and a half since she met Stefan, she had felt like her life was spiraling beyond her control with only brief moments of security. As her life's essence was drained out of her in order to sustain someone else, she thought she might have clung to those brief moments too forcefully, so forcefully she had sometimes thought her life was balanced.

She felt like crying. She could feel her throat closing up, but she would not allow herself the reprieve. She was practicing shutting off her feelings as of this moment.

It was harder for her to breathe now and her chest tightened with her need to cry for all that she was losing. Her eyes travelled to Stefan. Her vision blurred, but she was seeing a clear picture. The memory of running away from him, scared and confused, played over and over in his eyes, in her mind.

The pain, heartbreak, and sadness were naked on his face as he cried for her. He hurt for her. He looked absolutely destroyed. Did he wonder what she was thinking, why her face mirrored none of what his showed? Her last thought before everything went black was of his constant reassurance that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. And like that, she felt like smiling. Not with fondness but with resentment. The most honest person in the last weeks of her life had been Katherine.

Even you must realize she's doomed.


character: elena gilbert, !fic, season 2

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