Title: What Are Friends For?
Author: bambiscott
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries, tv-verse
Gift for: ozmissage
Characters/Pairing: Caroline/Stefan, Bonnie/Jeremy, Elena/Matt, past!Elena/Stefan, Implied! Damon/Alaric
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,061
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Which really sucks.
Spoilers/Warnings: Set in/after 2.22.
Summary: Girl’s Weekend. Elena’s boy crazy, Bonnie’s in the middle and Caroline’s realizing that she will have to leave her friends soon.
Author’s Note: Note Stefan never left with Klaus. Many thanks to my beta haldoor.
When Caroline does something stupid it's Elena dragging her away, but when Elena does something stupid, Caroline is there doing it with her. So Bonnie always has to be the mature one. Maybe that’s why she can't bear to tell Elena what she's been doing with Jeremy.