Happy Holidays, tellshannon815!

Dec 15, 2012 14:49

Title: The Final Betrayal
Recipient: tellshannon815
Author: lostandalone22
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Damon and Jeremy, gen
Word Count: 1,024
Warnings: Death fic
Summary: Damon reflects on things after being shot with a werewolf blood laced arrow
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt "Damon, nothing in his life became him like the leaving it"

Of all the ways he could have died, at the hands of little Gilbert would have been the least likely in his mind. It had been so sudden... and so cold-hearted and calculated, considering who he was dealing with. If he had to picture it being Jeremy doing this, he would have thought it would have been quick. The kid had a flair for the dramatic, so it seemed more likely that he would have used one of his badly whittled stakes in some public display of anger. This time, it was almost like he didn't want to take credit.

He would have blamed himself, but for all he was worth, he hadn't killed anyone lately. The counsel had caught on quickly to the whole "wild animal" thing and so if he wanted to keep his life, he needed to stop killing. It was something more, something that was wrong with Jeremy, and he couldn't explain it. The only way he even knew it was Jeremy that had done it was because he had looked in the direction that the arrow had come from and seen the little bastard trying to hide and back away. Their eyes had met for the briefest of moments and he hoped he had conveyed the feeling of betrayal he felt for Jeremy with his eyes. Over the last little while, they had really connected. Jeremy had become like his protege, even trying to make him proud and seek his approval at times, which made it even more of a shock.

He had pulled the arrow from his chest, not quite close enough to kill him outright, grunted with the effort and yelled "You missed!" into the dark night with a string of expletives. It wasn't until he started feeling the vaguely familiar sensations of werewolf poisoning that he realized Jeremy hadn't been aiming for his heart. He hadn't missed after all, and for some reason, that made the betrayal sting even harder. The youngster had meant to cause him pain and lots of it while he was dying.

It was a quick decision to get out of town without letting anyone know. They didn't need to see another repeat of him dying from werewolf poisoning. The one time had caused enough damage, and this time he could be almost positive that Klaus wouldn't feel inclined to offer up some of his blood to save him. So, he had ran. He had taken what he needed to make himself comfortable and had ran, holing up in a motel over a hundred miles away for the last day or so of his miserable life.

As Damon shook with the fever that ravaged him from the venom, he thought about all of the things he had done in his life. His life-- both the time that he was human and his time as a vampire-- had been a long trail of bodies. He had seen boys dead on the battlefield, had seen the fear in someone's eyes after realizing that he was a vampire and they were about to die, and yet none of it had left much of an impression on him. He had learned to turn off his emotions, before even becoming a vampire, if he was honest with himself.

It was only once he had came back to Mystic Falls, his birthplace, and meeting Elena and all the good people that came along with her, that he had allowed himself to feel again, to love and be loved. He turned back on his emotions and allowed himself a reprieve from his self-imposed exile from humanity. It was proof of how much he had changed that he had tied himself up this time. He knew what damage his hallucinations could cause and so spared anyone else from pain by tying himself to the hotel bed to keep himself still once they started. He didn't want the very last thing he did in his life to be hurting someone and making them suffer as he was.

It was a gradual change, though. At first, these people had been nothing more than a means to an end; Elena's friends and family, so the easiest way to get to her. They had become so much more to him over time. The first time he had compelled little Gilbert, it was to make Elena happy. The second time had only taken a slight nudge. He knew it needed to be done, saw what this life was doing to the boy, how it was changing him and making him much more jaded than he should have been for his age, and knew they needed to save him. By the time Elena turned, it had become his duty to look after Jeremy. When Alaric had died, there had been an unspoken pact that he would make sure no harm came to the boy. He was taking over as the third father figure in Jeremy's life, during a time when he sorely needed one.

For this reason, the others couldn't know about what Jeremy had done. For Jeremy's sake, he had left Mystic Falls quietly, hadn't told any of them about Jeremy murdering him. It wasn't Jeremy's fault. If anything, it was Connor's fault, with all the bullshit he had fed to Jeremy about being a "hunter." That couldn't be all it was, though. Something was wrong with the kid, and he knew that Stefan and possibly even Elena would act first and think later if they knew that Jeremy was responsible for this. He needed help, not to be killed, and hopefully if they found out some other way, he could help spare Jeremy's life. Maybe if they just thought it was this other reason, they would be able to fix what had been broken inside of him and save his life.

As the hours wore on, he felt himself becoming weak, succumbing to the poison and finally, his eyes closed and he could feel himself slipping away.

Somehow, it seemed fitting that the first person who he had thought of as a protege, his legacy, was the one to take him from this world.

!2012, character: jeremy, !gift, type: fanfic, character: damon

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