It's all about adultery in the 1800's...

Apr 23, 2011 19:08

Vague title is vague and cryptic!!

ROUND-A-BOUT COMMENT FIC-A-THON IS NOW... IN SESSION!!Anyway, with the moderator's permission, I would like to point you all in the direction of a speculation post at my journal that is currently going BANANAS in the best kind of way. I won't say too much here because quite a few of my 'theories' are based on ( Read more... )

various characters, prompt, promptpromotion

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Comments 11

brightstarmara April 23 2011, 10:55:55 UTC
he was the storm that Stefan was the eye of and he left a wake of destruction everywhere he went. From "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" by lit_chick08.


swirlsofblue April 23 2011, 14:53:54 UTC
Elijah/Stefan; it wasn't easy being the little brother of an insane criminal mastermind vampire-(optional:werewolf).


swirlsofblue April 23 2011, 14:58:03 UTC
Elena/Damon; He kisses her and doesn't know how he can love her so much and hate her so much at the same time; his baby brother gave his life for her and even if she stays with him forever he will resent her for it always.


waltzmatildah April 23 2011, 16:28:18 UTC
Caroline and Damon | Damon transforming for the first time... (from Caroline's POV perhaps?)


lving_darkness April 23 2011, 16:32:13 UTC
Klaus, Damon + others.

the heir and the spare


Filled: Such A Selfish Wish (Damon + Klaus) waltzmatildah April 24 2011, 06:15:21 UTC
Title: Such A Selfish Wish
Characters: Damon and Klaus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 950

Such A Selfish Wish

Hope it's somehow what you were hoping for, bb!!


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