Title: I Lied, I Said It’s Easy, I’ve Tried But There’s These Fears I Can’t Quell
tellshannon815Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Matt, Rebekah, Alaric, Damon, Klaus, Caroline, Elena,Stefan. (Matt/Rebekah, Alaric/Damon, Klaus/Caroline)
Word Count: 2348
Warnings: AU in that Elena and Caroline were never turned, Isobel left Alaric to return to John, Alaric and Damon bought the Grill, Rebekah still has the chance at the cure and the intention to take it. Perhaps not quite as AU as you hoped for in the original prompt though.
Summary: Klaus’s arrival for a visit causes Matt and Rebekah to have doubts about their relationship which they are afraid to discuss. When Alaric and Damon force them to talk it out, it makes them realise they need to confront their own feelings for each other too.
Author's Notes: This was sort of inspired by Xander and Anya’s song I’ll Never Tell from the Buffy musical episode, hence the title.
There's just one thing that...no, I'll never tell