we survive; we always survive (a dark comedy) | bonnie/caroline/elena

Jul 10, 2012 19:55

Title: we survive; we always survive (a dark comedy)
Author: ladygawain
Rating: T
Based on: TV series
Spoilers: up to the end of season 3.
Warnings: femslash, character death
Characters/Pairing: Bonnie/Elena/Caroline
Summary: A vicious and mysterious zombie epidemic wipes out whole cities across the United States, leaving our girls with no option but to take to the road on a mad-cap roadtrip that might never end (until they run out of gas, that is). During this adventure, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena discover just how much they're willing to do to survive.
Notes: Written for the Zombie Apocalypse ficathon, for the prompt: Caroline/Bonnie/Elena + setting everything on fire seems the best option or they like killing

Read on LJ or AO3.

tv: caroline forbes, femslash, tv: elena gilbert, tv: bonnie/elena, tv: caroline/elena, comedy, tv: bonnie bennett, au, tv: bonnie/caroline

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