Title: She's Only Happy in the Sun (title borrowed from song of same name by Ben Harper)
daydreamblvr6Characters: Damon Salvatore, Rose, Bonnie Bennett, Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, and the rest of the gang (more or less)
Pairings: Damon/Rose, Stefan/Elena, hints of Bonnie/Jeremy and Caroline/Tyler
Rating: Back to the "nothin' you wouldn't see on TVD" rating
Spoilers: Potentially all aired episodes *AND* for the extended promo of "The Descent"
Summary: See "The Descent"
extended promo. The focus, however, is on Damon and Rose, so don't expect to see everything from the promo in this story.
Disclaimer: I am vampire poor, but imagination rich.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Oh, and btw, this is getting posted pretty much everywhere, so I'm sorry if this pops up on your friends page a bajillion times.
Chapter 7: What Goes Around Comes Around