Round 3: Beta Sign ups» As a beta, you must only read your author's drafts with the aim of improving their grammar, spelling, characterization faults, and the general style of a story before it's made public
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Email: I'll give that when/if I'm teamed up with someone.
What are your strengths as a beta? I'm a good cheerleader and always try to be prompt. I can give constructive and thoughtful comments- and have no problem maintaining the boundaries the author and I establish. I have a good feel for appropriate character development and the overall mythology of the show.
What are your weaknesses as a beta? I get frustrated when I'm working with someone who asks for honesty but isn't able to take it. I'm also not well versed in HTLM and I only just learned how to do a livejournal cut.
What genre do you prefer to beta? Well plotted, sexy romances are the most fun. Angst and Gen are also fine with me.
Which pairings do you prefer to beta? Damon and Elena, and occasionally Elena when she's dating both brothers independently.
What genre are you not willing to beta? Full on sexual torture or childhood sexual abuse.
Which pairings are you not willing to beta? Stefan and Elena- I know many enjoy this pairing, but it just doesn't hold my attention well.
Are you willing to work with crossovers? If the crossover makes sense, absolutely. I would prefer crossovers where I was familiar with the other show/book/movie.
What ratings are you not willing to beta? I'm comfortable with all ratings.
How many stories are you willing to work on? No more than two at any given time.
Anything else? I love fanfiction. I've been reading it for well over ten years and writing some for the last few years. The incredible creativity that the writers of fic display inspire me daily. I really enjoying being a beta and witnessing a small part of that creative process. Thanks for the consideration!
Name: Trace
Email: I'll give that when/if I'm teamed up with someone.
What are your strengths as a beta? I'm a good cheerleader and always try to be prompt. I can give constructive and thoughtful comments- and have no problem maintaining the boundaries the author and I establish. I have a good feel for appropriate character development and the overall mythology of the show.
What are your weaknesses as a beta? I get frustrated when I'm working with someone who asks for honesty but isn't able to take it. I'm also not well versed in HTLM and I only just learned how to do a livejournal cut.
What genre do you prefer to beta? Well plotted, sexy romances are the most fun. Angst and Gen are also fine with me.
Which pairings do you prefer to beta? Damon and Elena, and occasionally Elena when she's dating both brothers independently.
What genre are you not willing to beta? Full on sexual torture or childhood sexual abuse.
Which pairings are you not willing to beta? Stefan and Elena- I know many enjoy this pairing, but it just doesn't hold my attention well.
Are you willing to work with crossovers? If the crossover makes sense, absolutely. I would prefer crossovers where I was familiar with the other show/book/movie.
What ratings are you not willing to beta? I'm comfortable with all ratings.
How many stories are you willing to work on? No more than two at any given time.
Anything else? I love fanfiction. I've been reading it for well over ten years and writing some for the last few years. The incredible creativity that the writers of fic display inspire me daily. I really enjoying being a beta and witnessing a small part of that creative process. Thanks for the consideration!
*quick edit for a typo.
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