Dec 31, 2011 18:13

Name: MatildaAge: 23
Location: Sweden
What's in your journal: Abusive use of CAPS, manic fangirling over pretty boys, lots of flailing, keyboardsmashing, screencaps, occasional rants. 
What rating is your journal: ITS NOT WORKSAFE.
Favourite TVD season/book(s): Season 2! (haven't read the books)
Favourite TVD character(s): Caroline! And Tyler...... and Damon!
Favourite TVD pairing(s): FORWOOD!! And Jyler, Dalena, Matt/Caroline
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: What else is there? HEHE JK. I play rugby, gym, hang out with friends, snuggle with my cats, spend time with bf, cook, shopping... OH and I study too... -_-
Friending policy:  My journal is semi-friends only, some posts can only be viewed by friends (mainly posts abour RL) but most is public for anyone. If we share any interests, go ahead and add me! but plz let me know if you do so I can add back.
Where to add you: Add my LJ! And you can add my TUMBLR too if you like!
What you do in fandom: UHM Fangirl? Occasionally do graphics and icons... but its been... "a while".... 2 yrs or so.
Other fandoms you like: Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, asian dramas, JE, Tomorrow when the war began, Misfits, Dexter....etc.
Other comms you like: ER... 
Anything else you'd like to share: ADD ME! I NEED FRIENDS TO FLAIL OVER TVD WITH!

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