Tvashtri plays the piano

Sep 27, 2007 00:28

I've been reading about 3-4 papers per day over the last couple of weeks.  I am totally loving being back in class, but it's going to take me a few more weeks to really get used to my schedule this year.  I have so much to say and feel like I have so little time to say it.  If you're wondering where I've been, last weekend I participated in a 16 hour professional development course for part-time instructors and I am presently finishing up a paper worth 18% of my final grade in 3F90.

I signed up to be an SV at CHI 2008!  This year it will be held in Florence, Italy and the theme this year is the balance between art and science.  Signing up for CHI and reading so many papers has gotten me back into my research surrounding Second Life.  So tell me, am I becoming more like my avatar or is she becoming more like me?

Oh, and in case he doesn't know it, my Rob is very important to me.  I am extremely proud of him and so grateful for how much of my crap he's been putting up with this week.

*glomps Rob, then glomps YOU!*

chi, school

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