(no subject)

Apr 29, 2007 10:48

  We're here!  The flights were alright.  Not very much leg room flying Northwest, but it was all good considering how much money we were saving flying with them.  I was thinking while we were flying about how cool it is to be so high up that you can see the shadows on the earth that the clouds generate, kind of similarly to how making shadow puppets with a flashlight.

What's not overly cool is the sleazy motel we're staying in.  For those Buffy fans, think Faith's hotel/apartment, but worse.  I think I heard someone trying to disable someone's car alarm last night.

On the other hand, the conference center is amazing.  I'm in the Student Volunteer office, checking my various email accounts, livejournal, mixi and facebook.  I'm going to help out in the office soon, so I should probably wrap this up.  Let's just say that I'm totally excited to be here :-D
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