Title: How I Know You
Series: Companion to the
Midnight City series
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: BtVS/The Dark Knight Rises/Inception
Character(s): John Blake, Sarah the OC Slayer, Ariadne, Dominic Cobb, Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Warning: trigger warning for self harm
Summary: Nothing John can say will convince Sarah that she's only a figment of his imagination.
Length: ~1660
Disclaimer: Only the words are mine, and that’s probably up for philosophical debate.
Dedication: Everyone who enjoyed "Midnight City". I can't promise that this will be your cup of tea, but you made writing and posting the original series a lot of fun and I'm grateful.
Notes: This story will not make sense if you haven't read the
"Midnight City" series. It's longish (16 stories) but reads pretty quickly. This is set some months after that series ends, and more than a year after TDKR ends.
'Aren’t dreams supposed to make you better?' )