Title: Not Coming Home
Series: Quick, Painless and Easy
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: Tin Man
Character(s): Wyatt Cain, OC, Azkadellia
Rating: G
Summary: If Cain wants answers, he'll get answers. But he may not like the ones he gets.
Length: ~1170 words
tm_challenge Prompt: inexplicable (circa 2009)
Disclaimer: Only the words are mine, and that’s probably up for philosophical debate.Series title inspired by the
song of the same name by
Dedication: To anyone who still thinks this is worth reading! I love you all!
Notes: Written for 2009's
Big Prompt Table seasonal challenge at
tm_challenge. If you want to follow along, my prompt table is
here. Although if you do, that is some serious dedication on your part, dude, and I feel honored.
It's how you dress your scars | And let them breathe ~ 'Life Fantastic' by Man Man )