Title: I Don't Love You (So Why Do I Compete With Other Guys)
Series: Long Way Down
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: BtVS/Tin Man
Character(s): Azkadellia, DG, Wyatt Cain, Oz
Rating: G
Summary: Even Wyatt Cain can't stop the changes that have come several years after the Slipper came over the rainbow.
Length: 200 words
tthdrabbles Prompt: #115, all's fair in love and war
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the words, and that's up to philosophical debate.
Notes: Follows the untitled first story of my as yet untitled series, Long Way Down. Whee! Title from
"Long Way Down" by Pete Yorn.
They spoke less than the sisters imagined...mostly in terse, growly statements. )