I haven’t posted since January 5th…Wow! It was a busy, busy final semester, but it’s over now and I have fully enjoyed May sweeps. I’m so glad we got a relatively normal end to the TV season, although it would have been much better if Pushing Daises had returned for a few episodes...
My thoughts on various season finales:
House: This is my pick
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I'm interested to see how Desperate Housewives handles their twist next season. Will they have flashbacks to fill in the gaps like Lost? Or will Mary Alice just give us one long-winded voiceover explaining things? I didn't really like seeing Gaby so frazzled and exhausted. I don't mind that she has kids, but I've always enjoyed the "fabulous" aspect of her character. And I hope Carlos is still around.
For most of the 2nd season of FNL, I was disappointed. But I think things really improved in January. I was surprised at how much I grew to love Riggins...I never expected that due to his Sawyer-like qualities. But there's a big part of me that believes it should have been left as one perfect season too. I do think it will work in the show's favor to only have 13 episodes next season. That's about the length of a football season and hopefully they will avoid any accidental murder storylines.
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