My RP buddy (BlueProwl on Deviantart) and I like bouncing prompts off one another as a game, there are a lot of OC-related prompts, since our RP-verse is very... different from canon, but still, there are some prompts that multiple people might enjoy, so I'm posting them. I often get fic ideas from prompts or from the conversations about particularly amusing prompts. If there are any prompts including an OC here, its because I think it doesn't matter that one of the characters in an Unknown. Also, we have a crack-tastic Rp-verse. Plenty of implied smut in these :D
Note; I haven't bothered to correct for grammar unless it was really bad.
1)Sandstorm/Fireflight/Need to do something about that
"Why are you so tense?" It was a very common question Fireflight asked him. Sometimes Sandstorm would have an answer, other times he'd just shrug and grunt dissmissively. In any case, though, Fireflight did his best to always massage the tenseness away, something that always made Sandstorm a very contented triplechanger, but every now and then, not even Fireflight's skill at massage couldn't ease the stiffness of Sandstorm's circuits, whereupon Sandstorm would get a different treatment (in honesty, probably his favourite). Fireflight would descend upon him with the most tender, yet somehow wicked grin and softly purr "well, we just need to do -something about your tenseness, now don't we?" And thus the triplechanger would be left not as contented, but a lot lazier afterwards.
2)Silverbolt/Hotspot/Lets.... just leave them at it.
Groove and Air Raid watched as Hot Spot once again 'kidnapped' the Aerial leader and with just a look they both communicate their dislike of the idea of disburbing the pair, Spot was the only one to get Bolt to relax and Bolt had been pretty tense, they just had to make sure that they didn't walk in on them, Raid loved his brother but there was somethings he didn't want to know about.
3)Air Raid/Silverbolt/ribbon
Airraid considered Silverbolt's profile slowly, then went back to toying with his ribbon, on the other side of the room, the Aerialbot commander was wondering if he could run fast enough to escape his crazy wingmate.
"Soo.... you do this often?" Reload leaned over the wall to watch the Wreckers as Springer idly loaded the magnetic-inducer at her side.
"Ohhhh no, they only get special hell after they've really fragged me off."
"Will they be able to move after they've been magnitized to all that scrap?"
"I'm gonna make them march."
5)Chema/Red Alert/that wasn't suppose to happen Note, Chema is a chemist who makes some pretty wild things)
"Well... that was interesting."
"Chema, never, ever, EVER make that substance again."
"Ah, come on Red, even if that's not what it was supposed to do, you have to admit, you do look very fetching with that fur."
6)Silverbolt/Skyfire/Race? Us? Oh, no, never. *grins*
Duststorm looked up at Skyfire and Silverbolt who were watching some of the other flyers race in the sky and asked "Do you two ever race? I'm sure your very fast." Silverbolt and Skyfire looked at Duststorm and then each other and then back as Storm and shook there heads "Race? Us? Oh, no, never." Starscream who had been close enough to hear barely held back a snicker, he know better, he know that both of them loved to race, just they liked to do it when no one was looking.
7)Skyfire/Starscream/GET BACK HERE!
Skyfire know -know- he shouldn't annoy Starscream like he does but... the seeker was just too cute when he was angry or trying to catch him, Skyfire couldn't help himself and hearing how close the "GET BACK HERE!" was, it seemed he would have to speed up a little to make this game last a little longer (and to see Screamer really annoyed cause then he's even cuter).
8)Skydive/Flightplan/Blades I just had to add this one, silly Skydive.
Skydive watched as the femme practiced her swordplay, more fascinated with the way her body moved than the motions of the blades. Needless to say, he was rather embarassed when she caught him oogling her when he was -supposed- to be learning to swordfight himself.
9)Fireflight/Sandstorm/such a tease
Fireflight pouted up at Sandstorm has he dangled the energon goodie just out of his reach, he'd been doing this for some time now and Flight had had enough and turning trying to glare (unsecssfully) at the Wrecker Flight said "your such a tease Sandy! Just give me the energon goodie!" Sandy chuckled and leaned towards Flight "I'm not teasing you... you'll know when I'm teasing you," and for a moment he paused before going on and saying "Why don't I show you what is me teasing you?" That night Flight truely did learn what teasing was.
10) Fireflight/Sandstorm/playful revenge
Fireflight straddled the tied up Wrecker and grinned down at him, finally he had not only caught Sandstorm but now... he would get his revenge! (mind you... it can't really be called revenge if the one recieving it wants it and likes it)
11)Hot Spot/Aerialbots (Except Silverbolt)/Alright you nutcases, what did you do?
Hot Spot looked at the four Aerials in fornt of him and glared at them in his best I'm-in-charge-and-you-will-do-what-I-want tone asked "Alright you nutcases, what did you do to Silverbolt?" The four looked at each other their expressions a mixture of guilt and mieschief, "Nothing" they all replyed at the same time.... like Spot believed that.
12)Hotspot/Silverbolt/Going for it
Hot Spot managed to corner the bright-opticed and giggly (and that was just slight wierd, but still) Silverbolt and hauled him to where the mech could... recover without loosing his dignity later when he was back to normal and heard about this. But until then, Spot couldn't resist taking a bit of advantage of Silverbolt's playful- eep- VERY playful mood.
13)Slingshot/Fireflight/ ...O.o ... Was that... Our brother?
Slingshot and Fireflight watched as Hot Spot wondered by with Silverbolt over his shoulder and.... rubbing Spot's aft?!?!! Slingshot swore he heard his processor frying itself, and all Fireflight could do was stare after the two mechs as they walked down the hall and quitely ask "Was that... was that our brother?!?!" Slingshot didn't say anything.... his processor had yet to catch up with what his optics were seeing.
Silverbolt liked being in control of any situation he was in, and Hot Spot loved to make Silverbolt lose control... to Spot a wild, unrefind Bolt was a fun Bolt to be around (that and an embaressed Bolt was very cute)
15) Arcee/Hot Rod/Tackle him
The other Wreckers -knew- they were there, but that didn't matter. What DID matter was that Springer didn't know they were. And in just a few seconds... "Hunh? Oh hey A-"
"GET HIM!!!" Springer found himself bowled over by the force of Arcee and Hot Rot combined, and before he had chance to regain his senses, they'd dragged him off, much to the glee of the other Wreckers.
16) Fireflight/Sandstorm/teasing seduction
Sandstorm was frustrated, Fireflight was drunk and he once again couldn't seem to make up his mind if he should giggle or seduce Sandy and it was driving Sandstorm crazy, he could only take so much of this teasing and seduction before he finally lost it... which today wasn't much and when he lost it Fireflight's behavior stopped seeming so drunk..... which later (much later) made Sandy question if the mech had ever been really drunk at all.
17)First Aid/Swoop/Exploring
Swoop chuckled gently and carefully pulled the other medic out from the hole he was stuck in. "How you First Aid get trapped in tiny tunnel?" With as much dignity as he could muster, First Aid shrugged. "It collapsed on me." Swoop chuckled and brushed some dust off the Protectobot's mask. "Next time, you explore with me Swoop."
18) Hot Spot/Silverbolt/Pull you around by the wings, why didn't I think of this before?
Hot Spot was annoyed, Silverbolt was working not on paperwork due this week or even next week but next -month- and why? Because he said it needed to be done, that wasn't fair! All the paperwork was done and Spot wanted Bolt time and damn he was goign to get it, without even thinking about it he grabbed Silverbolt's wing and started to pull him away from his work, Bolt put up almost no resistance to the pulling and Spot laughed "Why didn't I think of ithis before?"
19) Firestar/Inferno/Red Alert/ time
"What time is it?" Mutters Red Alert. "Morning..." Replies Firestar from somewhere under Inferno. "But what -time- is it?" He sits up and checks his internal clock and realizes with horror that he's three hours late two shift. Instantly, two sets of hands pull him back to the berth. "Mm.. Red," Purrs the firetruck lazily. "They sent someone else to do it, now stay here and cuddle dammit."
20)Fireflight/Sandstorm/You want me to what?
Sandstorm had asked Fireflight what he wanted for his creation day and the answer he got was not what he expected, "You want me to -what-?" Fireflight smiled, "I want you not to wear you mask for an entire day" grinning brightly, and planning on just home many times he can get Sandy to smile for him.
21)Wreckers/Sparklings/alarm clock
Not that the wreckers actually slept much or anything, what with all their battle protocols and everything, but still, the almost clockwork-accuracy of the sparklings running about Xantium squealing for games and attention and fun every morning, waking the whole lot of them up when they'd prefer to be sleeping off a hangover or exhaustiong from work/play was not something the team appreciated. Xantium evidently did though, since she kept letting the little monsters on board.
22) Silverbolt/Airraid/Don't. You. Dare.
Silverbolt looked in horror as Air Raid held his datapad above a pool of water "Don't. You. Dare." Air Raid grinned and congratulated himself on finding a new method of blackmail for Silverbolt..... until he was later tied up and hung upside down for several hours covered in feathers and dirt..... apprently Silverbolt didn't like this new type of Blackmail.
23)Slingshot/Silverbolt/If you sit on him, I'll tie him up
Silverbolt covered his optics in horror as Air Raid ran around the hanger with... Silverbolt wasn't sure what it was but it was spraying very strange string all over the place, Slingshot finally came up to Bolt and poked him "If you sit on him, I'll tie him up" Bolt nodded in agreement.
Bluestreak sang softly, trying to get Silverling to fall asleep. when she finally did, Bluestreak stopped, and he was suprised to find Prowl fast asleep on the floor beside the berth as well.
25) Fireflight/Sandstorm/"Go to sleep""Make me"
Fireflight glared at the newly repaired Sandstorm "you are goin to sleep! Now get in the berth and go to sleep!"
Sandstorm glared back "make me" and realized much later that saying such things to Fireflight was not a smart idea.... he can make Sandy do anything.
26) Topspin/Cool Breeze/good at keeping secrets
Both medics exchanged glanced, then peeked at their patient in disbelief. This... Was something different, something the scientific team would love to get their hands on. Topspin shut the patient's chest with a snap and nodded at Cool Breeze, who smiled back grimly. There was a reason that doctor-patient confedentiality existed
27)Slingshot/Fireflight/I did not need to know that
Slingshot covered Fireflight's mouth stopping him in the middle of his tracks of something about Sandstorm that was just too much information and slowly said "I did -not- need to know that! Too much information" Fireflight just giggled.
28) Silverbolt/Hot Spot/fun
While Hot Spots definition of "fun" was considered to be wilder, the firetruck had to admit that Silverbolt's present mindset gave the jet an even more interesting definition to the word. Though Spot still wasn't quite sure if he should really let Silverbolt do this in the hallway. But that grin on the Aerialbot's face, this one wasn't going to be regretted, ever.
Fireflight didn't stand a chance when Sandstorm out of no where tackled him to the berth and then proceeded to show the jet just how much he missed the Aerial.
30)Fireflight/Sandstorm/time alone
Sandstorm looked at the work he was supposed to be doing on a computer terminal, then back at Fireflight's retreating -sashaying- form and quickly saved the work for later. Fireflight looked much too tempting to resist, especially with that rare little swing the his hips that promised a very good time if it was just the two of them.
31) Air Raid/Xantara/reading
Xantara looked over Air Raid's shoulder at the story he was reading to the sparklings, it was pretty funny how he was being very careful to change the violent, terribly over-adult story into something sparkling friendly, even ore impressive was that it was such an -interesting- story for the sparklings. Who knew Air Raid could turn a Stephen King novel into a Sparkling bedtime story as he read it?
Hope that others enjoyed these.