Congratulations to the winners! Check your score
here in the sign up post!
1st Place: (4 points)
__yourbestbet__ 2nd Place: (3 points)
krystle_ab &
nightelf_aphra 3rd Place: (2 points)
csichick_2 Voting rundown:
Only one person left comments, sorry guys!
1 - 3 - no comments
2 - 5 - no comments
3 - 2
Comments: love the chosen cap and text
4 - 4
Comments: great coloring and crop
5 - 4
Comments: Great image choice and crop
Challenge 6 MAY be extended until Wednesday, depending on how much time I have tonight!
And Please don't forget about challenge 7, due one week from today!
boo___you_whorenightelf_aphralarissadawncsichick_2hfa Challenge 7 - Same Actor/Actress, Different Characters! - Due Sunday, December 21st @ Noon