Dec 01, 2004 11:27
so i finally got the picture thing to work.
i owe walmart so much money cause herman and i bounced a couple checks...
and with the late fees and bouncing fees it added up pretty quick.
i miss daisy. she is at my grandparents house. she will come back tonight.
if herman doesn't get shipped away to a prison tonight then daisy and iwill go see him tomorrow morning...!!!!!!
he has a couple tattoos. one is a ring on his weeding ring finger and it had an s. then the other is daisy on his wrist then he has one on his leg it says "beck"
you knwo his last name.
i got a call fro mhis lawyer. we were trying to get a couple months taken off from the time he sat in jail in texas for nothin... but they wouldn't let him so it looks like he has 19more months.
and i did the math again.... the way that the state will count his time.
he has 531 days left. that is not including the time he can get takin off for good behaior. it is like 5 days off for every moth he is good. so after a year (12months) that is 5months he can get taken off his sentence!!!!
that is good for me. i want him to be there when daisy stats talking and walking around and iwant him there for her potty training...that is important to me. he is her father and i want my baby daddy back! i think he is learning his lesson though. you knwo not being able to see those first everythings that daisy does you know? and he keeps telling me he is sorry and i actually believe him you know? it's like it is finally setting in his brain that he is missing a lot of stuff and he wont be able to get that back. not until another baby. which it wont be the same casue it wont be his first baby. and i just really feel he is going to get his life straightened out. maybe i am just kidding myself but i really feel he is going to come out a man instead of the little boy he has been acting like.
i miss you too tiffy.