I tripped over the
spn_fridayfive comm once in a while and now decided to join the fangirls over there, finally.
September 06th, 07 [
here @ fridayfive]
1.) Have you read/do you plan to read the Supernatural companion books? If you've read any of them already, what did you think? If you're planning to read it sometime in the future, what do you hope to see in the books?
Nah. I haven't read any of them. And not beacuse I haven't the opportunity to get them - they are all available in the bookstores (or at least at Amazon ;)) and even in german language! I don't like companion books that much at all. I might read The "Supernatural" Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls by Irvine, just to upgrade my background information. But I think I'll stay away from the novels.
2.) Of all the interviews with the boys, Kripke, & co. which one is your favourite, and why?
I have only seen two or three interviews, therefore I have no clue how many awesome clips of what content are excisting - and I'm not able to answer this question properly ;)
3.) If Kripke were to include a flashback of any event that the series have made reference to, which event would you want it to feature and why?
The first thing that pops up in my head is the story of H. H. Holmes (2x06 No Exit). You know, serial killer - should be quite good for horror scenes.
4.) If you could pick any character from a TV show or movie to come onto Supernatural, which character (from which show/movie) would you choose, and why?
Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think she would fit in quite good. And maybe she could convince the boys that supernatural things can be good as well.
5.) Prank Wars: Winchester style. We love 'em, but how do you think Sam and Dean got started with the prank wars? Do you have a scenario already stored in your mind? Do share!
Er. I never ever made my mind up about this. But I'd consider Dean the one who startet it! Lovely badass ;)
September 14th, 07 [
here @ fridayfive]
1 How do you think Sam and Dean (the characters, not the actors who play them) would feel about a camera crew following them around and filming their hunts?
Uhm. Not pleased at all. I mean, come on. Swayzin bad sons of a bitch with a hole crew of nags at your back can't be fun!
2 Are there any completely random everyday things (songs, inanimate objects, etc) that remind you of Supernatural? Feel free to explain!
YUP. Mullet Rock! \o/ And black Chevys (and cars having the slightest similarities to Chevys q:). Aaaand. Yeah. My thoughts?
3 Cracktastic question of the week: If Dean and Sam talked with a demon on a messenger service (ex: MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger), how do you think the conversation would go?
YellowEyes69: hi boys!
YellowEyes69: How are you today?
WinBros: why do YOU care?
YellowEyes69: bc the both of you are so sweeeet
4 If it was up to you to think of a new slogan for the show, what would you choose?
I'm not going to choose one .. Am I Kripke or what?
5 20 more days to season 3! How are you feeling about season 3? Are you doing anything to prepare?
Excited?! Of course.
I'm not really preparing, though I thought about re-watching Season 1 and 2 til 3x01.
Don't worry friends, there is no need to read through the hole q/a thing every week. It's just for me - to celebrate my fandaom ;)