Oh shows, how I love you!
Last weeks episodes in retrospect ...
FNL 2x07: Pantherama!
Hee, awesome episode - as always! I don't know how they make it work but FNL totally grows on me every week. And makes me happy.
- new love? YAY! Santiago.
- Julie / Mr. B? Being on first-name terms with a friggin (12 year old, lol) teacher? Noha?! Oh Julie. Eww. Ok, he's handsome. But he still is a teacher!
- Sandwiches vs heartsickness ftw!
- HEE! stripping Panthers. Are they the Chippendales hot, or what?
- the Smash and his mama fighting isn't nice, is it?
- omg Buddy is the juvie kids new foster dad? lol.
- Matt / housekeeper (what's her name again?) is love
- btw. where did Williams' psychically disturbed girlfriend go?
- all in all: both thumbs up
GG1x08: Seventeen Candles
- mama Humphrey is back! YAY. but ... I expected her to be more, you know, hot
- omg Blair and Nate broke up for real
- Blair/Chuck is awesome
- the butterflies have to die !!
- Jenny/Nate is even more awesome! (I so knew it!)
- what's up with Serenas brother? vanished in thin air?
- I HATE Nates stupid, selfish, drug addicted, not caring, dumb parents
- what's wrong with his mother? "protecting the family"? oh COME ON! *slaps forehead*
- I love Jenny. good girl.
- Serena playing Guitar Hero was lame and unnerving
- whole triangle-ship-construction around Dan isn't fun
SPN 3x07: Fresh Blood
- "kmikaze" - "ninja" - "not funny" - "a little funny" - "no it's not" ... lol
- Sammy killed Vampire!Gordon YAY (ew he PINCHED off his head!)
- Dean needs to stop the show to be Sams brother again !
- screw you Gordon for killing Kubrick! arg!
- Oh! Sammy fixed the Impala! (cause he has to know how these things are working for the future *sigh* oh Dean ..)
- Dean in green! lumberjack shirts ftw!
- all the stuff the "last" Vampired talked about .. very wise. and good tool dramaturgy-wise *nods*
- well, Vampire ep's should remain a minority