Back at work after lots of random days off. What's been going through my head???
*This is just a thought, but one of the best things about being a bicentennial baby is that I can gauge my age by how old the country is. Vice versa, I can tell you how old the country is by adding 200 to my years.
*Gates McFadden directed a really good episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Gates plays Dr. Crusher, or Cruikshanks, or something, on the show. The episode she directed had a single camera shot that crawled over the bridge of the Enterprise, a dead guy, Data, and Captain Picard over the span of about three minutes. Awesome. The episode's plot involved Commander Riker turning into a fucking monkey.
*North Korea...what a bunch of dicks.
*I had a letter published in the Flagpole this week. You can read it here: *I spent my money on women and wine, but I couldn't tell you where I spent last night. Oh wait. Not me. I meant Poison did all that.
*I have 9 days of my twenties left. I will take money and presents at the following address:
540 Macon Highway
Apt. 7
Athens, GA 30606