Dec 06, 2003 19:16
First Name: Brittany
Middle Name: E you can figure it out yer self
Nicknames: brat, bitch, eliza(im getting used to that) brit brat kitty cat britt anything really with a b
Age: 14
Birthday: Aug 29
Siblings: that i know of ali, april and sochacowie. o jen but we arent really related
Pets: pippie my baby cat, mazie my younger cat kittie the eldest dam thing just wont die
Hair Color: now its reddish brown
Eye Color: coco brown
Do you find yourself attractive?: not really
Do you find yourself ugly?: hell ya
Do others find you attractive?: all the god dam time
Do you have a g/f or a b/f?: ADAM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE
Do you have a crush?: crushin on adam
Where do you shop the most?: shop eather its my sisters or if i do shop hot topic, deb and epic
Do you think your fashion is cool?: Oh yes
Do you have any piercings?: Yes
Where do you want more?: belly button and more on my ears
Do you have a tattoo?: Nope
Do you want one?: Sometimes, but I dont think I will
Do you drink?: no wont touch the shit any more
Do you smoke?: not often liek rarley
Do you do drugs?: pecribed yes for adah not percribed not anymore
Who are your best friend(s)?: jen adam meg ant will and dan
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: hurbal essences and sum weird one to help keep my dyied hair looking new
What are you most scared of?: spiders and sharks o and deep waters
How many phones in your house?: in my house alot working 2
How many TV's do you have in your room?: 0
What are you listening to right now?: Good CHarlotte
Who are you talking to right now?: my main man adam
Do you have your own phone line?: No
What shoes do you wear?: Chuck Talors(cons white, adidas and nikeflights
What clothes do you sleep in?: what i wer that day just take the pants off and sleep in my undies
Who is the last person who called you?: jen but she always calles
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: my face im so ugly
-- favorite --
Book?: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix(it was HP Prizoner of Azkaban, until I read that Sirius dies in the Order Of Phoenix... Oh man that still breaks my heart!)
Subject in school?: GLOBAL 1
Holiday?: valentined day and christmas
Season?: spring
Number(s): 7 12 13 and 22
Band(s): GOOD CHARLOTTE, SIMPLE PLAN, MEST o got jsut look at my buggy info
Movie: harry potter, lord of the rings, bruce almighty, anything eddie murfy and robin willands and jim cary. o and pearl harbor support dem hotties
Kind of movie?: Romantic comedies
Candy: starbursts and cream savors
TV Show: simpsons, trl, all things rock, my soaps, dora, daria, vh specials liek i love the 80 or fabulious life shit liek that
Food: Mac and cheese
Fast Food: mickey d's
Radio Station: k104, krock, or hot 97
Teacher: Jerry Jones best teacher i ahve to bad shes gonna leave to ahve a kid
-- have you ever... --
Liked somebody soooo much it makes you cry?: ALL THE TIME
Smoked?: yep
Drank?: Champagne and beer
Got drunk?: once wont ever again
Had sex?: once
Been arrested?: umm i plead the 5th
Broke the law?: i plead the 5th
Ran from the cops?: im slow they catch up to me
Tried to kill yourself?: what time
Killed an animal?: never
Broken someone's heart?: Yes
Cried when someone died?: Yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?: Yeah
Lied?: Yes
Cried at school?: i almost did
Girls or guys?: both
Flowers or Candy?: Candy
Scruffy or Clean Shaved?: mix
Quiet or Loud?: mix
Blondes or Brunettes?: both and diffrent color hair
Tall or Short?: tall
Shorts or pants?: pants
-- opposite sex --
What do you notice first?: Their face, I mean when you meet someone, thats what you see first, right?haha
Last person you slow danced with?: Holy cow, I dont even remember. I think it was jen
--name your.. --
Your weakness?: neck
-- who --
Makes you laugh the most?: ADAM
Makes you smile?: ADAM
Has a crush on you?: ADAM
Can make you feel better no matter what?: ADAM
-- do you ever
Sit by the phone and wait for a call?: ill admit i do that often
Save conversations?: Maybe parts that mean something.
Save emails?: If they mean something
Wish you were somebody else?: Only for a day...
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: never wished it, but wanted to try it for a day
-- best --
Kiss?: John
Most recent advice given to you?: Never Change
-- have you --
Fallen for your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: Ya
Kissed someone who was JUST a friend: Yes
Been rejected?: Yes
Used someone?: Yes
Been used?: Yep
Been cheated on?: Yep
Been kissed?: Yes
Done something you regret?: Yes
Fallen for a friend?: yes
-- who was the last person you... --
You touched?: Mom gave her hug
You talked to?: Jen
You hugged?: Will
You instant messaged?: Adam
You yelled at?: My Mom, but it wasnt really a yell. I told her to stop talking to peopel online
You laughed with?: myself
Who broke your heart?: Mickey that bastard
Who told you they loved you?: Adam the love of my life
OK IM ALL DONT> hehe if you want take the same one and post it in comments