(no subject)

Jul 26, 2007 14:37

Title: Regretable Words
Fandom: Bones
Characters/Pairing: Jack Hodgins / Angela Montenegro
Rating: G
Challenge: # 05. Hate

At sixteen, Jack had a shouting match with his father. With a final, bitter, ‘I hate you’, he locked himself in his room until his mother knocked the next day, crying as she told him that his father’s flight to London had crashed into the Atlantic with no survivors.
 At thirty-two, Jack and Angela had a heated argument over next-to-nothing. When she threatened to leave, he told her to go ahead, he hated having her around, anyway. She was almost gone when he remembered his father and called out: ‘I don’t hate you, Ange!’ Then, added softly, ‘Not even close.’

prompt #5, bones

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