Title: Beginning Again
Author: Nikki Harrington
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Benton Fraser/Raymond Vecchio
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: A sequel to
Kissing Benny. Ray had thought that everything would be all right, once he'd found Benny again.
Challenge: #25 'Beginnings'
We're beginning our journey home.
We're in the car.
Just driving.
Nothing else.
Just driving
I thought everything would be all right, once I'd found Benny.
I was wrong.
It isn't.
Yes, he was waiting for me.
Yes, he let me hold him, kiss him.
But that's just it: he let me hold him and kiss him.
And he hasn't spoken.
Not one word.
Not one single word since I opened the door.
He doesn't seem afraid of me.
He knows me.
But he's just . . .
I don't think he remembers what we were.
Guess we'll have to begin again.