Forms of Communication . due South. Prompt #19

Nov 09, 2007 08:59

Title: Forms of Communication
Author: Aingeal
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Challenge: #19 - 'Unspoken'

Forms of Communication

Talking to each other was good. Talking about work, sport, the weather, Ray’s family. There was lot for them to talk about.

But they didn’t always talk about the important things. Men didn’t talk about feelings and they didn’t say what they really meant. Admitting certain feelings seemed beyond them sometimes.

Those things remained unspoken, but that was all right. They had other forms of communication, a mix of touches and looks.

The words remained unspoken but their other communication never let them down, it couldn’t. For just looking into each other’s eyes said far more than words ever could.

due south, prompt #19

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