Mar 26, 2008 23:50
i just realized something really crazy. i had a dream a few nights ago where i was either "in" lost or that i was just in the normal world but there was another lost experience type thing going on but the clues were found even more in the real world (as opposed to on the internet -- also it's possible that both of those scenarios were true), well anyway, the clues, or a lot of them that i can remember, were kind of symbols that you found in various places, like graffiti under a bridge or, as i remember at one point, i was driving with LM to long island as i used to do, and we stopped on the bridge because across the water we could see one of these symbols on a building. you would take these symbols and do something with them...i don't remember exactly what, it might have been touching them, it might have been, like, somehow physically taking them. or whatever it was, and i think maybe it led to a clue about season 4 or something like that.
so, i've been reading through the lost experience on lostpedia, and in august...there was a video split into dozens of short segments, and the way you got each segment was by finding a glyph: a rectangular symbol with an ancient-type glyph symbol in the center. these glyphs were found on all corners of the lost-related internet, as well as in real life on lost cast's clothing, in comic store windows, or...under a bridge in sydney australia.
i swear that though i had read a bit of a summary of the lost experience about a week ago, i stopped in the middle when i decided i'd rather read everything day by day (cause i have such an awesome life) and i definitely hadn't read about these until today, and the dream was quite a few days ago. really weird...