Jul 09, 2008 09:17
The one thing i really don't like about working at the public library here in decorah is that we use the Dewey Decimal system...which i have found to be greatly lacking compared to the superior Library of Congress system of cataloging books.
With the LoC, every book has its place, its own unique place in the library...but Dewey gives 15 different books (of the same subject, yes), the same number...not to mention how they organize their fiction: 85% of the time its just the first three letters of the author's last name...meaning that often Clark, Clarke, Clapton, Clabourn, Clay, and Clancy are all mixed up if people dont take their time when putting stuff back.
And my peeve from yesterday: the DD system is supposed to be read like a decimal number; that much is pretty straightforward. However, if that is the case, someone please explain to me how 812.80 can be a subcategory of 812.8; i know that 812.801 would be...but 812.8 and 812.80 are the same godsdamn value!
I look forward to Fall Semester when i get to work in the Luther College library again, where i can again organize by the wonderful LoC system